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Cap Mushroom Flasher (AC)

Cap Mushroom Flasher (AC)


Product Code: CF-25
Made in USA #1Icon #5

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Product Information

Cap flashers are designed to be installed into the signal head or warning beacons for MUTCD standard 56 flashes/minute.  U.S. Barricades® flashers are very reliable, circuitry is encapsulated with epoxy to provide a rugged, maintenance-free unit capable of withstanding the harshest environment. Standard twelve sided mushroom signal caps provide the housing for both single and dual circuit versions, fuse protection is provided. Our Cap flashers meets or exceeds all MUTCD specifications for U.S. roads and highways. 

 Easy to install, the flasher fits into any traffic signal head at the top or bottom of the framework opening. The Mushroom Flasher connects to the terminal block in the signal head, no extra electrical boxes or parts are required. Units have a #8 ring terminal attached to more than twelve inches of hook-up wire for each lead, lock ring and gasket are included. All flashers have been tested and ready to use. Proudly made in the United States of America.


Line Voltage:   
95-135 VAC
Load Current:  
3 Amps, Zero Voltage Switching
Range -30 °F to +165 °F
1 7/8" Overall Height
1.5” NPT
Powder coated
Federal yellow, signal green, or black
Flash Rate:   
56¼ Flashes/Minute Standard
150 Flashes/Minute (Optional)
15 inch leads with spade terminals (4)
Red Wire    AC Line
White Wire    AC Common
Black Wire    Load(s)
In-line fuse (5 A, 250 V, Slo-Blo, ¼”x1¼”; Bussman MDL-5)

Typical Applications and Benefits:

    * Flashing beacons
    * Warning lights
    * Pedestrian and school crossing signals
    * Four-way stop signals
    * Turns any traffic signal into a flashing signal
    * MUTCD compliant
    * Easy to install
    * Requires no additional electrical boxes or parts, just plug-in and go
    * Facilitates the installation of traffic warning signal

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Product CodeCF-25
ManufacturerU.S. Barricades®

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